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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sought through Prayer and Meditation....

Living a spiritual life requires discipline. I hate discipline. I think there is something so attractive and sensuous about living "free" and spontaneously. Discipline cramps my style in so many ways. At least this is what goes on in my mind. I know enough, however, not to spend too much time alone in my mind. While I honor and respect my own intelligence, when it comes to surrendering to a power greater than myself and living a spiritually and emotionally mature life, it is essential that I invite others to assist and open myself to my Higher Power. A regular prayer and meditation practice is a way to do this.

Today I know that miracles happen when I have a foundation of discipline in my life. When I allow myself the gift of regular prayer and meditation, there is order and harmony for me. Synchronicity becomes a way of life. As I take time to breathe deeply and invite my Higher Power into my day, asking for guidance and the courage and willingness to be of service, opportunities present themselves. When I release my concerns and ask for clarity and spiritual solutions, a way is made. Regular prayer and meditation becomes an amazing resource of spiritual tools and response to my requests. It begins with the discipline of a spiritual practice. Here are some tips for developing the discipline of a vibrant prayer and meditation practice:

1. If you find it difficult to sit quietly in prayer and meditation, just set a timer for 5 minutes while you sit still and breathe deeply. Doing this regularly will build up a tolerance for this prayer time and you will find it becomes easier to sit for longer periods of time. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you develop this discipline.

2. Try lighting a candle, burning some incense or taking a small step to create the sacred space for prayer and meditation. This makes a difference. The simple act of lighting a candle can have profound results energetically in connecting with our Higher Power. We begin to embrace this holy ceremony and receive the gifts of the spiritual relationship we are nourishing.

3. Start with where you are and try journaling as part of the practice. For years I found it near impossible to try and meditate. I would attempt to clear my mind and try to 'force' quietness inside my own brain. It became more and more frustrating for me and eventually I stopped trying. Today in my prayer and meditation practice, I begin with journaling. I write exactly what I am feeling and thinking and let the frustration, fear, shame, joy or angry flow out on paper. When I begin with exactly where I am, I can then release this all to my Spirit Guides and Higher Power. This emptying creates openness and receptivity and I can receive from them guidance and reassurance. Rigorous self honesty is the best way for me to surrender to my Divine Source and begin to receive guidance and wisdom for the day.

To live a spiritual life means that we must take time to nourish our spirits and welcome our Higher Power. While the discipline of this make take time, every effort we make will be honored. Ease will come and this spiritual connection will deepen over time.




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