
"Pletcher and Bartolameolli are undisputed experts on the subject of co-sex addiction.  They know more about it than anyone I know and have presented  an expose that with great clarity supersedes anything I have read before."

– John Bradshaw

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ecstasy and Joy

Early in our cosex addiction recovery it may seem near impossible to experience ecstasy and joy. Disillusionment, anger, a sense of betrayal and shock are our first senses as denial is broken down and reality sets in. As in nature, there are seasons and natural rhythms in our recovery life. As we remain steadfast on the journey of rigorous honesty and healing, we will begin to embrace the joys of our spiritual journey as well as the obvious challenges.

The word, ecstasy actually translates to mean "standing outside oneself." It is the experience of being able to detach from our own self-centeredness, worry, care taking and control to actually having a view of the world around us. We have a new set of eyes as we no longer try to control and manipulate our world out of fear and shame. We learn to "let go" and trust. We develop a sense of self-esteem based on honesty and authentic connections with ourselves, our Higher Power and others.

Ecstasy and joy become a part of our recovery as we learn to integrate the 12 steps into our lives, deepen our connection to a Higher Power from within and begin to develop our own self-esteem. In embracing our addiction and dis-ease, we find ourselves maturing in new ways and our world begins to expand with new possibilities inside and outside of our relationships with others.

Remember, joy cometh in the morning and dawn follows the darkest nights. Trust the journey of descent and know that honest self-reflection and continued responsibility for our own lives will give way to authentic relationships with self, a Higher Power and others.

Blessings on your journey,



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