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– John Bradshaw

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Seasons of Recovery and Transformation

This is a season of humility. Humility is knowing who I am, the truth of the matter. Years ago, I thought humility meant being meek, quiet and weak. I often recall the large portrait in the principal's office of the catholic school that I attended. It was Jesus, small in frame and looking docile and compliant. He carried a lamb on his shoulders. This was my association to humility.

Years later, a spiritual teacher of mine told me that humility is not being a doormat, it was standing in the truth of the situation. Like being in reality and not pretending. Knowing my greatness and power and yet also knowing that I have choice over my own behavior, but not control over others. Humility also means knowing my place in relationship to Divine Source and remembering that as much recovery and healing and transformational work that I engage in, there is still a Power greater than myself and an order to the Universe that must be honored and respected. Humility gives me perspective.

Recently I heard again the phrase that we have a reprieve from our dis-ease based upon our spiritual condition. I feel humility when I hear this because it reminds me that no matter how many 12 step meetings I attend, how many weekend workshops I participate in or lead and no matter how much I learn and grow over time in my own spirituality, there is a Power greater than myself. Surrendering to this Divine Source is necessary for me to manifest my dreams and my Destiny and Divine purpose in the world. Maintaining a fit spiritual condition keeps me connected to my guides, my intuition and the inspiration and courage to manifest my dreams of service in the world.

I am grateful, at the end of another year of spiritually maturing within my 12 step program, to be reminded of the necessity for a fit spiritual condition in order to maintain a sense of humility and purpose.

Blessings to all in the coming year,



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